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bartending ID I got in 1995

Comparison across the years

03 Apr 2003

Now that Valerie has moved a lot of her stuff into my house, I've had to reorganize my stuff and concentrate it into a smaller area. Feels like I'm moving, too, but I'm not going anywhere.

One of the boxes I've moved has all my old journals in it. For kicks, I decided to open all of them to April 3rd and see what my life's been about. (If a year is missing, it's because I either haven't found that year's journal yet or wasn't keeping a journal that year.)

1985 04 03 - high school in Marion NC - a mention of my classmate Christal
1987 04 03 - high school in Asheville NC - snowstorm cancelled school
1988 04 03 - Atlanta GA - worked at Stonemont Twin cinema on an Easter Sunday
1989 04 03 - going to school at DeVry and going to work at Rainbow Vacuum
1990 04 03 - going to school at DeVry and going to work at Electrolux Vacuum
1993 04 03 - wrapping up my work at a nonprofit in San Jose CA
1994 04 03 - living in Atlanta again; Easter Sunday - I wrote "no work, no wife, no purpose in life"
1995 04 03 - bartending at Red Lobster (still in Atlanta)
1996 04 03 - living in Lexington and working at PlanSource
1997 04 03 - fourth day of work ever for my longterm boss Harold Cottrell
1998 04 03 - stuck in an extremely pointless job at Bloodstock Research
1999 04 03 - watched two new movies: Matrix and Shakespeare in Love
2000 04 03 - met with mortgage company about upcoming house purchase
2001 04 03 - went through a huge heartbreaking struggle with Heather about my new friend Andrea
2002 04 03 - in Columbia SC on a work project but not doing much work
2003 04 03 - Valerie's boyfriend just gave me a lawnmower that he no longer needs

You probably already know this, but I feel like reminding you that my archived website news pages give you the full story of my life from 1994 forward.

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sampling April 3rd journal entries from 1985 to 2003

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