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volunteer musicians performing for Contra dancers

Contra dancing with Bethany

26 May 2003

Quick list of my weekend events:

  • Prepared myself mentally for a possible brawl with Agent Smith at the Contra dances. If you don't know who Agent Smith is, call me and I will be happy to tell you everything you need to know. (I'd put the whole story here, but I'm running out of webspace on Prodigy.)
  • Played piano at the local Contra dance on Friday night, but not all the time. I shared the piano-playing with the guy pictured above. Nice guy, excellent musician.
  • On Saturday afternoon, laughed like a crazed mofo at the movie Bruce Almighty. It is hilarious; you should see it.
  • On Saturday night, I took Bethany to a Contra dance in Berea, her first Contra dance ever. Many of my regular Berea dance partners were not there. Care for a hambo, Danielle B? Guess not; too bad.
  • Breathed a big sigh of relief that I made it through both dances without being murdered. Sometimes Neo avoids Agent Smith, and sometimes Agent Smith avoids Neo.
  • On Sunday, watched the Pride and Prejudice DVDs with Bethany, just to get it out of the way. It had to happen sometime, and now I can stop it from ever happening again.
  • Didn't do anything exciting at all today, a government holiday, because everyone knows I have no life.

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makes me forget all my troubles water wheel (shot in Sept 1999) listening to music while on hold

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