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a shot of my mother taken yesterday

Words of wisdom

28 Aug 2003

We are halfway through the Chinese New Year, and for this month's snail mail, I sent out a questionnaire. I have only received ten responses so far, but they are fascinating responses, and I want to share some of my friends' wisdom with you.

Question: What is your motto?

emelle: Live in the "now".
Dad: Suck it up, Buttercup.
Grandma: Down with Bin Laden and Hussein.
Rachel: Hmmm, still finding myself, still finding motto.
Penny: It could be worse.
Patty: That which does not kill you makes you strong.
Tanya: Follow your bliss.
Valerie: Don't let your strengths become your weaknesses.
Danny: Don't make the same mistakes everyone else does.
Berea Danielle: High expectations yield high results. Expect the best from yourself.

All the rest of you who got surveys but haven't responded need to turn them in before I get mad and wipe you off my Christmas card list. Mom? Cheryl? Are you there?

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from the responses I got for my snail-mail survey Doonesbury comic with lots of French in it lazy in a hammock in July 2002

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